An addtional way to donate – download BanktheFood App.  See our News page.


A new way to support us with food donations – through BanktheFood App

24th January 2024

The need for food banks in the UK is higher than ever before.

BanktheFood is a  charity on a mission to make sure food banks get exactly what they need and not just baked beans.

Food banks often struggle with effectively communicating realtime supply and demand needs to their donors.

Social media posts or notices in supermarkets, quickly go out of date or go unnoticed and as a result, food banks can be inundated with one item or have little of another.

Regularly updating realtime needs to the local community, can be a cumbersome admin task, which takes food bank volunteers away from their crucial work of collecting and distributing food.

BanktheFood hopes to change this through an innovative free app which links food banks to donors at the most crucial time; when donors are at the supermarket.

The app is free to use and always will be.

Please down load the App, using the instructions below.

How to get started on BanktheFood app – a guide for TT food banks

Thanks for your much needed support.

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